



看到了 @三号床皇室 发的关于Vin Diesel的文章,特别的震惊,就去求了信息来源然后听了《反派影评》最新一期关于速8的内容。


1. Vin在电影中和Paul争夺主演地位

在各个平台搜了许多,最后终于搜到了一篇International Business Times网络平台上2003年的报道(搜索标题仅找到这一篇报道,也没有其他网站转发,在点进作者的链接想查看她的其他报道时网页显示Error 403 - Access Denied,所以不知道作者是否还有其他报道可以用于佐证),里面说具知情人士(全程不知)透露,Paul和Vin的关系非常的差,Vin经常以制片人的身份压制Paul,恶劣在Paul在片场中真正的朋友(文中说Paul和其他演员是真的朋友,消息来源Showbizspy)都看不下去。但是Paul本人不想在媒体面前透露这一点。



How do you feel your outlook on acting has changed, since you started?

WALKER:  People that I thought were my friends, way back when, aren’t really my friends.  I was this impressionable, innocent kid.  I thought I was cool.  I had smoked a lot of weed, and done acid and shrooms, so I thought I’d been around the world and knew what was up.  I didn’t realize that not everybody that postures as being your friend is actually your friend.  So, I took some lumps and bumps, early on, and it jaded me.  It made me somewhat cynical.

认为这段是意有所指Vin,但是后面Paul又提到and I have more than a handful of legitimate friends now。


后面他又提到速激,I’ve gotten to travel the world, and I wouldn’t have the friends that I have in that cast.  It wasn’t a natural fit or pairing.  We come from opposite ends.  I respect Ludacris more than just about anybody on the planet.  He’s such a great guy.  He’s got such a good head on his shoulders.  Vin’s a pain in my ass.  We come from opposite ends of the spectrum.  I wish I had some of him in me, though.  He says the same thing to me, too.  He says, “I wish I could be more like you, sometimes.”  We fuck with each other, all the time, but he’s been a hell of a partner.  The guy is a lot smarter than a lot of people realize.  Not that he’s a dummy, but a lot of people think he’s a dummy.  Vin is really sharp. 



Vin and I are so east coast-meets-west coast, and we have different approaches to life. We found a respect for one another but we were such opposite ends of the spectrum. The reason why it's worked is because we are so different.

I don't know if we necessarily found a stride together because there are certain days I still want to crack him in the head! But he looks at me and there are days he wants to crack me in the head too. Then there are times he'll look at me and say, 'Man, I wish I could be more like you,' and I'm like, 'F**ker, I wish I could be more like you!


那篇采访最后提到,"Vin is shattered over Paul's death,"  "He's broken down in tears several times and said he wishes Paul would just walk in the door, tell him this was all a bad dream and forgive him." said a friend of Walker.但是作者认为Vin是内疚,因为她提到另一位知情人士透露,he hates himself for feuding with Paul and feels terribly guilty about how he treated Paul while he was alive。


有趣的是,我后来又发现另一篇来自CelebUpdateNews报道,也是两人不合,They absolutely hate each other — and they always have还有They are like two 14-year-old girls, and it’s become the angriest film set in history. 但是原因反而是Paul嫉妒Vin通过速激所获得的名气,想要upstage对方。


2. Vin拒演速2,因为片酬太低

在搜索这一原因的方面,可能因为个人信息搜索能力有限,找到的资源也不多,较有实际意义的一篇报道中提出当时速激2片方提出的薪酬不低,甚至挺高,The first one was such a success — as has been every installment after — that signing up for the sequel should have seemed like a no-brainer, especially when he was offered $20 million for the part.而文中介绍Vin拒演的原因是他认为剧本不好,他更愿意去演出《星际传奇2》但是事后他也有不同的想法,他后来在一次采访中提到说,I would’ve said, ‘Don’t walk away from it just because the script sucked in 2 Fast 2 Furious because there’s an obligation to the audience to fight, no matter what, to make that film as good as possible.’ Just walking away doesn’t help that saga at all. I might have had a little bit more patience or belief in the long-term of it。

另一篇Hollywood.com采访中,片方提出的价格则更高为$25 million (£20.5 million)而他拒绝的理由还有他希望第一部能成为经典,系列电影会毁了第一部。

Sequels had gotten such a bad name and I had started to think of that first Fast and Furious as a classic, like a Rebel Without a Cause,” he continues. “If we sequel-ized it the way studios were doing at the time, just slapping a story together, I’d ruin the chance of that first one becoming a classic. Even though I hadn’t reached that high level of financial success, I turned down $25 million to do the second one.”

“I was an idealist and, to me, the script wasn’t continuing the story. I was thinking, ‘If you’re going to do a sequel, do it like Francis Ford Coppola…’, but that wasn’t what they were doing. They were capitalizing on the brand and milking the success of it as long as they could.”

而根据Los Angeles Times的一篇报道,Paul和Vin不主演第三部的原因是,Paul认为there was politics, studio stuff, a regime decision。


他最初认为I thought it was stale. They were talking about my involvement with the fourth one and I was like, 'Are you kidding me? Really?' Obviously, we made the first one that catered to pop culture and a youth-driven audience. But trends shift overnight with that audience. Nine years later, I really questioned if there was even an audience anymore.

Moritz couldn't convince him to come back, he said, so Diesel gave him a call. This would be the first true sequel, Diesel assured his friend. They'd come in, knock this out and be done with the franchise.

"So I thought: 'Why not?'" Walker said.


而Vin成为速4的制片人的理由,他自己的说法是,“After The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift, it came to me: ‘Why don’t I be the producer? Why don’t I oversee the work and write and create what I want for this film’,” he adds. “In the beginning, there was a great sense of diversity to it and it still had the remnants of that. The diversity was the fuel for the narrative.”



3. Vin前一刻还在大笑,后一刻就可以泫然落泪


以前翻译过一篇MTV颁奖礼后的采访,Vin在舞台上清唱了两句See You Again,下台后接受记者采访。他也是前一刻还非常的逗比(Vin在采访中就是搞笑挂的,多看几个视频就可以知道)但是在记者提到Paul之后整个神情就变了。所以反派影评提到的情况是真实的,还不止发生过一次,但是这并不表示对方就是“鳄鱼的眼泪”。

4. Vin和巨石强森的矛盾



Our sources say The Rock and Vin had a meeting on the Atlanta set mid-day Tuesday … partly because tensions were running so high it was almost impossible to shoot scenes. We do not know if they resolved their issues.

As we reported, almost the entire cast is angry at Rock for causing a stir just a week and a half before filming ends.


Cele|bitchy的一篇采访中提到,I saw some people theorizing that the late Paul Walker was the glue that held the cast together, that he was easy-going and he got along with everyone, and that his personality helped the other cast members get along and put their egos aside. I’d like to think that’s true, because it would explain this。


找到了影评中提到的Vin说的很诡异的话的原文,USA TODAY(个人知道此网站中立靠谱):

"I don’t think the world really realizes how close we are, in a weird way," says Diesel, who steered clear of the specifics of their disagreement. "I think some things may be blown out of proportion. I don't think that was his intention. I know he appreciates how much I work this franchise. In my house, he’s Uncle Dwayne."

"I protect the franchise. I protect everybody including Dwayne. I protected Dwayne more than he’ll ever know. And it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t have to know. But he appreciates it. He knows it," says Diesel. "Dwayne has only got one Vin in his life. Dwayne Johnson only has one big brother in this film world and that’s me."

"It’s not always easy being an alpha. And it’s two alphas," says Vin Diesel. "Being an alpha is sometimes a pain in the (butt)." (这句很真诚hh)


5. 彩蛋问题




Our sources say Vin and Dwayne have met privately several times since animosity between them exploded on the set of "The Fate of the Furious." We're told they are "good" and both are "1000% in" for the next flick.

6. Vin欺压两位导演


7. 对Roman角色的设定


8. 反派影评确实很专业,对电影的评论很到位,如果他们下次评论一些独立片我会愿意看。


9. 以上所有信息其实大多来自外网里千千万万的八卦小站,以前没接触过,更不知道哪些是可信度较高的,哪些是完全捕风捉影的。只能全部如实地贴上来。









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